понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dog information labrador

As a colleague of Ken Cmiel in the History Department, my treks through the "remembrance of things past" has been a part of daily life and thought, teaching and writing, normally lived. Yet in the process of "remembering" Ken, he is such a compelling force and so ever present as to undo the usual categories in the conscious mind. Always one to stop by my office--just for the stopping--we yak about current incidents, try out schemes for reform, recount good steps and missteps, and generally make right in the college, city, state, and world whatever has gone wrong. Always one to share family matters--just for the sharing--his boundless admiration for Anne, at home, in her profession, as wife and friend, speaks of their deep affection, still growing. His pride in the accomplishments of his children, small or large, no matter on a rocky, or a smooth one, in whom he has great faith. His joy at his mother's retirement when she decided to leave Chicago and live in Iowa City, and even better, was followed by siblings. Always one to think big, never small, talks with him challenge the mind and the spirit as well. Always present, still present, Ken Cmiel.

--Sarah Hanley Professor of History and Law Department of History Faculty of Law (by courtesy) University of Iowa

dog information labrador, dog information lab, dog information kid.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

car keyless

I wish Iapos;d remembered that today was the last day of faire. I would have worn my Jedi outfit for DOW. Oh well.

It was good seeing everybody, even if only briefly. Iapos;m sad to say I only got out to faire twice this year, but thatapos;s one more time than Dani did. Next year hopefully things will be different.

Thought I saw a couple of other people beyond those I actually got to interact with. But you people move around so damned fast itapos;s hard to catch ya some times. =) Iapos;ll have to make a post faire wrap up tomorrow.

Bye for now.
car keyless, car keying, car keyes.


The femme is huge, and black. Sheapos;s also sporting more signs of recently repaired damage than any mech has a right to live through as she sits against a wall near the sign and frowns with irritated confusion. This is not the dressing room. She can find no trace of her alt or the young femme whoapos;s been seeing to her needs. Worse, she canapos;t sense the other Blackoutapos;s Scorponok.

The sign receives a dark glare, and then she snorts, though a bit of hope flickers into her optics.

"Where is Megatron?"

Seems thatapos;s a fairly popular question now days.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


��� For the most part this week went very well.� It went by fast too, even PSATs didnapos;t seem like it took forever.� Last night I�went to The Walk with Katie and we met up with people, haha.� We mostly hung out with Adriel and I�remet this guy, Justin.. I�think Iapos;ve met him like 5 times now, hahaha, but then we never see each other until a year later.� Haha.� We got those popsicle push poppy things haha, mmm.� School was fun also, I�sat with Melody at lunch and met some of her friends.� I�didnapos;t have time to make myself a lunch or eat breakfast ): AND I was broke.� So I texted Adam and Melody and Adam brought me 6 YUMMY cookies and Melody brought me some oatmeal thing haha.� Then at lunch this girl bought Melody and I�some icecream sandwich with like 3 different flavored icecreams and we shared it, it was so good.

��� Today Iapos;m supposed to see Elliott but Iapos;m not really sure what is going on yet.� We donapos;t really have time to talk on Fridays when he has to go to his games for drumline and Iapos;m pretty sure he is still sleeping right now so Iapos;m going to wait a bit.� If not, maybe Iapos;ll go hangout with Katie or Melody.� Tomorrow.. I�have no clue whatapos;s going on.� Iapos;ll either go to Katieapos;s picnic, see Elliott, or both haha.

��� BUT next week will be AMAZING.� Spirit week, I�won Homecoming Princess so I�HAVE to be in the Homecoming game (on the field haha), then Homecoming is Saturday and Iapos;m going with Elliott.� Thursday is Early Release and I might go see Jesus play and there is no school Friday :).� Excited.
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by fiddlestix sakura

Saturday Night, Kishwaukee Hospital~~

The pulse was getting faster, and Oliver inhaled.� "Brigget, I know this must be hard, but I need you�to calm down a bit.� Take a few deep breaths, okay?"� He felt bad, putting her through this, knowing that sheapos;d probably rather be home in her bed than in this hospital room.� And it probably didnapos;t help that his hands were cold against her warm skin.� They were always cold at at the hospital.

She nodded and inhaled, trying to calm down. Oliver had her wrist, the same one that Gil had grabbed at the Junction, and squeezed... Squeezed and hurt her without even trying. Her inhale got shaky and when she exhaled, it was almost a whimper, her expression twisting a little as she tried to keep the tears back.

"Sorry," She whispered, her head dropping and her free hand reaching up to try and shakily brush her cheeks off.

~Deavyapos;s room, Saturday Night~

"Dumb?" Deavy looked up at him. "Really?�apos;Cause if you think itapos;s dumb, I guess I�donapos;t have to do it..." She reasoned, before a grin split her face, "I could just keep eating the way I have been, and get a nice layer of insulation instead."�

"Deavy," Jules said as seriously as he could. "I think cold-weather training is the stupidest thing Iapos;ve ever heard." He didnapos;t care too much about how she ate, as far as he could tell, she ate like any other college student, probably a little healthier, in fact. "And, donapos;t knock insulation," He grinned, "Iapos;ve got plenty of my own and it does itapos;s job."

"Cigarettes..." she repeated awkwardly, pronouncing the word like apos;sigarats,apos; before recognition dawned, "Oh, your bad candy..." She sniffed again, pleased to have an excuse to repeat the action, "Maybe a little, but I was talking about your soap."

"Well," he chuckled, charmed by her description of smokes as apos;bad candyapos;, "thanks." Then, because ti seemed to be quite the trend, he bent his head to the top of her hair and sniffed. "Yours is nice, too." Though, mostly he liked the heat that came off the top of her head. It was comforting the way human contact usually was. Calming.

~Saturday Afternoonish/Duskish/Whatever you like~

"Wh-what?"� The smile started to fade from her face.� She always imagined that would be the last thing sheapos;d ever hear before pain came.� Colletteapos;s hands moved from his shoulders to a defensive position in front of her chest.

His smile weakened, "I... Iapos;ve got you?�Mapos;holding you..?"�

She continued to stare at him with big doe eyes.� She didnapos;t know what to do.� She trusted him.� She told herself she trusted him.

He asked, "Did I�say something wrong?"�He winced a little, "Jules is always telling me Iapos;m saying something wrong... What I�meant was..."�Ben frowned, his palms coming up to rub at Colletteapos;s biceps idly, "I�guess I�donapos;t really know what I�mean..."�Hoping that he hadnapos;t offended her so much that he couldnapos;t dig his way back out of trouble and into her good graces, he tried again, "Uh... This is a good situation and... I�like it. I want to keep this situation?"�He brought one shoulder up, "and... And that involves this,"�He patted her arms to demonstrate the physical touching, "And... I kind of liked it when you were smiling more before... So... If thereapos;s anything I�can do to bring the smile back, just let me know, okay?"�

"O-okay," her hands now gripped the upper pieces of his sweatshirt that werenapos;t zipped together.� So he didnapos;t... He wasnapos;t... She felt relieved.� Taking a few breaths,�Collette said, "I like it too."� She cocked her head to the side and gave a little grin.� "Howapos;s this?" she asked.

by fiddlestix sakura, by fidel castro, by fidji guy laroche.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

carlton crest

So I took some excedrin earlier tonight to get rid of a headache I had, and it made me drowsy. Nothing out of the usual there, but the dream that followed...

While I�canapos;t remember the entire dream, I�know part of the dream involved people trying to kill me. And then towards the end, it broke out into a musical...About No More Heroes. It showed Travis and some woman singing about random stuff that had nothing to do with the game after about five minutes. Like...How Travis had eighteen wives and ten kids and stuff like that. It was so damn bizarre...Especially when they started throwing dinner rolls at each other.

And now time for more sleep... >_>


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descargar guitar pro 4

So I was going through Lyn-Z pics on Facebook and oh shit, I thought Lyn-Zapos;s PR skirt was red, but itapos;s green, and Shine saw one at Value Village.� Shiiiiiiiiit.� They also had ~her boots that I didnapos;t try on cos I didnapos;t wanna untie my Converse and try em on if I didnapos;t find anything else.� So looks like a trip to Value Village again is in order� Didnapos;t even look at vests, though, idiot.� Momapos;s are way too big and dad has no plain black ties. AUGH.� *breathes*� Mall trip Friday or something.�

(Lizzy� I did get your idea about the unicorn shirt, but I donapos;t know where the hell on Earth I would get a shirt like that made.)

But I had a really good time. �The bus ride was so awkward cos James sat across from us, and Shine and I were texting and insulting Jamesapos; little brother because he was annoying and commenting on how much of a freak James is.� It was amazing.� Then we went to Little Ceasars, and fought over who was gonna pay, and the guy was like "It was like that when I was dating my wife" and I was about to laugh it off but I was like "Weapos;re not dating." and I was pleased to discover there were no tummy flips or hearts breaking.�� (I paid.)

So sore.� Gonna go shower and do my Geo.� ilu aaaaaaaaaall hearts;

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

countdown tickers

Israel is a relatively stable rock in the financial storm thrashing world markets, and the country is in good economic shape, Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer said. "Certainly, Israel will be hit," he told Globes business news service. "We live in the world, and we're not an island, but our situation is relatively good, and better than I expected."

Our situation is relatively good, and better than I expected.

Fischer led the world last week in slashing the local prime interest rate by half percent, a move that European banks imitated in an effort to pump more money into their economies and stave off a threatening deep and long recession.

Like other central bank directors, Fischer fought against cutting rates while inflation surged, mainly as a result of soaring prices in crude oil. A lower interest rate usually fuels inflation even further because it encourages spending, which in turn increases demand and places an upward pressure on prices.

However, the crash in the crude oil market that has accompanied the crash in stock markets enabled Fischer more flexibility to act.

"The decision to cut interest rates arose from the need to act to strengthen the economy's ability to deal with the challenges facing it," Fischer said in the interview.

He emphasized that the Israeli banking system does not face the disasters that have swept the United States, partly because of tighter regulations stemming from the shares fiasco three decades ago.

Fischer jointed out that the danger of a financial collapse in Israel ostensibly seems greater because of the ongoing political crisis but added, "The government's fiscal policy has remained fairly stable, and in the past six years, the results have been good."

He suggested that the shekel will strengthen in the near future and that the proposed 2009 budget is not totally realistic in light of projections of lower growth.

Israeli markets will be closed Monday, the eve of Sukkot and on the following day, but early indications in world markets Monday indicate that the free-fall has hit bottom, at least for the time being.

Foreign exchange trading will continue Monday morning, and the shekel-dollar rate is expected to revolve around the 3.60 level, with possible downward pressure if investors spend dollars in order to buy back American stocks.

countdown tickers, countdown til christmas, countdown til thanksgiving.

воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

company ice morrison

As I was walkinapos; apos;round Grosvenor Square
Not a chill to the winter but a nip to the air,
From the other direction, she was calling my eye,
It could be an illusion,
but I might as well try, might as well try.

She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes.
And I knew without askinapos; she was into the blues.
She wore scarlet begonias tucked into her curls,
I knew right away she was not like other girls, other girls.

In the thick of the evening when the dealing got rough,
She was too pat to open and too cool to bluff.
As I picked up my matches and was closing the door,
I had one of those flashes Iapos;d been there before, been there before.

Well, I ainapos;t always right but Iapos;ve never been wrong.
Seldom turns out the way it does in a song.
Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right.

Well there ainapos;t nothing wrong with the way she moves,
Scarlet begonias or a touch of the blues.
And thereapos;s nothing wrong with the look thatapos;s in her eyes,

Wind in the willowapos;s playinapos; "Tea for Two";
The sky was yellow and the sun was blue,
Strangers stoppinapos; strangers just to shake their hand,
Everybodyapos;s playing in the heart of gold band, heart of gold band.

my mom used to follow them
around with her deadhead boyfriend.

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